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Born in 2020’s lock-down when the free have never been more restricted. Judged by neighbours, infantilised by governments, unable to flex their rebel muscles our founders’ need to stick it to the rule makers grew strong and NYP gum was born.


NYP gum is unique. It is the only gum that has a soft centre filled with an alcoholic cocktail. A cheeky pick me up, something to raise a smile, a little light relief, a cheeky NYP. For the party goers, the cocktail crowd or just the naughty one in the gang.


Creative response

The product packaging had to reflect that rebellious streak. To be noticed, intriguing irreverent and quirky enough to stimulate conversation.But precious enough to be loved and kept. The vibrant clashing colours, the strike though, the idiosyncratic illustrations and attitude driven text all seek to challenge perceptions and generate curiosity.

Scope of work

- Strategic positioning

- Naming

- Illustration

- Packaging

- Key visuals

- Social Media Assets

- Guidelines

- Artworks x6 Skus


Client -

Corpa Limited


A first to market. Cocktail flavoured alcoholic chewing gum.

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